Mr Brian Jones opened the April meeting of Keighley astronomical society. Mr Jones founded neighbours Bradford Astronomical Society many years ago. He has had several books and many articles published over the years. He visited us to promote the 2017 Yearbook of Astronomy. In cooperation with Richard Pearson FRAS He has produced this long running publication.
He explained that in previous years Sir Patrick Moore had produced the book and it had came to his attention last year that the 2016 addition of the yearbook would be the last that the publishers would produce. Not wishing to see the book disappear from the bookshelves, both he and three other colleagues have persuaded a publisher to continue the boo from 2018 onwards. In order to maintain the continuity from 1962, they have self-published a shorter edition for 2017, which can be ordered by visiting the website :-
The book contains the usual Sky notes, with details of the planets along with some lovely narratives on key constellations visible for the time of year, and interesting articals. My first impressions are that it is well worth the purchase and I urge those interested in astronomy to support this project.
Well done Brian, keep up the good work