Keighley Astronomical Society

Discovering the Universe over Yorkshire
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Discovering the Universe over Yorkshire

Keighley Astronomical Society meet on a monthly basis. We are a group of like-minded individuals who all share a love of the night sky. Thanks for visting the site. We hope to see you at a meet soon but in the mean time these pages should tell you everything you need to know!

Members of the Federation of Astronomy societies


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Back to the Moon, with Dr Sue Bowler

Posted on Feb 7 by

Back to the Moon was the title of the presentation given at the January meeting of Keighley Astronomical society, by the ever popular Dr Sue Bowler. Dr Bowler is the current...


The February Night Sky

Posted on Jan 28 by

On February evenings, our sky is filed with more brilliant stars than we can see in any other month. The first signs of spring are now on the way, well as far as the night sky in...


The hunt for the Christmas meteorite

Posted on Dec 24 by

The December meeting of Keighley Astronomical Society was held on Thursday 12th. As is now the custom at this time of year a large selection of freshly made sandwiches, mice pies...


The January Night Sky

Posted on Dec 23 by

January is always a great treat for astronomers. It’s going to be a spectacular start to 2025! The three most brilliant planets are all on view in the evening sky, with Mars at...