On Monday 15th December six students completed the ‘Elements of Astrophysics’, and as it was the end of the course they received there certificates of merit. It was a five week interest course covering the main subjects of:- 1. Nuclear and atomic physics – power source of the stars. 2. Quantum physics – atomic spectra, messages...
Read MoreChristmas Presentation 2014
Paul presented two lectures last night at the December society meeting. The first was on overview of the night Sky for the next three months, includng the major constelations of Orion and Taurus.. The second lecture was on the theories about the star of Bethlehem. Was it a Supernova, a comet or a conjunction of planets and Stars ? A big that you to all who...
Read MoreKeighley Brownies Astronomy interest day at the University Academy Keighley
Saturday 29th November 2014, Keighley Astronomical society in partnership with Brownies from across the Keighley division took part in a day of astronomy at the university academy, on Green head road. Approximately 90 space cadets took park in activities such as learning the basics of the night sky, as well as sessions under a simulated sky of stars in...
Read MoreThe Herschel family – November Society Meeting 2014
Dr Emily Winterburn from the University of Leeds Museum, gave a presentation at the November society meeting on the famous Herschel Family. After completing her University studies. Dr Winterburn began work In 1998 as Curator of Astronomy at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich (part of the National Maritime Museum). In 2009 she was appointed her present post...
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