Society chairman Paul Neaves Gave a presentation to 40 society members on the wonders of the Autumn night sky. Covering the forthcoming months events in Space and the seasons major constellations.
Read More‘A’ star
Well done to young Keighley Astronomy society member Cassie Barlow-Hall for getting a ‘A star grade’ in GCSE Astronomy. It has been a subject that really captured her imagination. “ The Astronomy GCSE was as interesting as I hoped, It’s a subject the fascinates me. I was thrilled to have achieved the A* grade as it reinforces what I want to do in...
Read MoreRocket workshop with the 4th Shipley Guides
Paul held a rocket workshop with the Girls Guides from Shipley on 8th July 2014, at Esholt.
Read MoreJune Society Meeting
“Aperture fever”. Getting the most out of amateur and profession telescopes.” Mike Evans (Leeds University) demonstrates to members of Keighley Astronomical Society how a telescope works, and the limits that the laws of nature put on its performance. He discusses how interferometry can create a telescope as big as the world, as well as the...
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