The Autumn night sky and the planet Saturn were the two presentations given by society chairman Paul Neaves at Wednesdays monthly meeting. The major constellations on view this season as well as the forthcoming meteor showers. All aspects of the ringed planet Saturn were covered in the second presentation. From its structure, the ring systems and its many...
Read MoreAutumn Astrofest
Sunday 18th October 2015. The 17th century title barn at the national trust property of East Riddlesden Hall was setting for the Astrofestival. Organised by Bradford Astronomical Society and supported by Astronomical societies across West Yorkshire. Keighley Astronomical Society kicked off the days events at 12.30pm with a rocket workshop involving a group...
Read MoreSplendid tableau in the morning sky
Wednesday morning, 7th October had a spectacular line-up of the moon and bright planets Venus and Jupiter in the east before dawn. Thursday morning was even better. The waning crescent moon was closer to Venus, which is the sky’s brightest planet. The second-brightest planet, Jupiter, was close too on Thursday. A short hop below the moon and Venus, and...
Read MoreSettle Star Party 10th October 2015
Settle Stories is an Arts and Heritage Charity based in the market town of Settle in the Yorkshire Dales. This year they invited Keighley Astronomy Society to take part in a ‘Star party’. Events where taking place at several venues across the town with an astronomy and space exploration theme. Paul and Dominic ran the ever popular rocket workshop. With...
Read MoreAurora over Yorkshire
Wednesday night the 7th October 2015 was a dream come true if you are searching for the ‘Northern lights’. The green arch of light stretched right across the northern horizon, and was clearly visible to the naked eye. Stargazers noted that every now and again there were pillars of light projecting high into the sky. Around 9.30pm it became more...
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