Orion and Taurus November is the first month of long nights and we are starting to see the familiar winter constellations. Orion the Hunter appears in the sky just before midnight. Just to the right of Orion is Taurus the Bull with the bright red star Aldebaran and the star cluster the Pleiades or ‘Seven Sisters. They too are now becoming...
Read MoreThe Kielder Forest experience
‘The Kielder Forest experience’, was the title of the presentation given to society members at the October monthly meeting. Mr Robert Williams from Huddersfield Astronomy society, who is also, volunteer at the Keilder forest observatory. Mr Williams explained that the location was chosen, as it is a pristine location to observe the...
Read MoreSuccessful students
Anita Brewin, well done This years Successful students who took a journey from the solar system, to the stars, to distant galaxies and beyond while learning about the physical processes which govern our understanding of the universe, where Elizabeth Atkinson, Anita Brewin and Roger Smith Our Introduction to Astronomy course is a...
Read MoreAstromeet 2016
There was a large turnout of members from three astronomy societies on Tuesday 4th October at Raygill Lakes. Lothersdale. Raygill Astronomy club hosted the popular event. Members from Astronomical societies based in Bradford, Earby and Keighley attended. There were many different types of telescopes to view the autumn night sky. Detailed views were...
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