Keighley Astronomical Society were very pleased to welcome Mr Girbur Singh (Astrotalk UK) on Wednesday 25th November 2015. After a short introduction on himself, his work and his interests. He held one of the largest gatherings of society members in the grip of his hands, as he commenced with a history of the Indian Space programme. It was interesting that...
Read MoreObservation Evening on Thursday 12th November 2015
Thursday 12th November in partnership with Bradford Astronomical Society. We took part in an observational evening at Sconce Lane Baildon. It was an ideal opportunity for members to try out the operation of several types of telescopes and to gain advice from the experienced observers from Bradford AS. Those who were patient were rewarded with views of the...
Read MoreAstronomy Course 2015
Certificates presented at the completion of the societies ‘Astronomy course’, 2015. Certificates of completion were awarded by society chairman Paul Neaves BSc.Hons MSc last night to the four society members who took part in the five week course. The subjects covered were an introduction to Astronomy, The Earth, Moon and Sun. Planetary systems, the...
Read MoreObserving the November night Sky
This month sees the familiar and brilliant constellation of Orion the Hunter appear in the sky just before midnight. Taurus the Bull with the bright red star Aldebaran and the star cluster the Pleiades or ‘Seven Sisters are now becoming more conspicuous. This is the best time to look for the autumn constellations during the evening; the Plough is low in...
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