January is always a great treat for astronomers, the new year opens with a chorus line of brilliant stars, led by Betelgeuse, and Rigel, in the constellation of Orion. Nearby is Aldebaran, the bright red eye of Taurus. Capella adorning Auriga. Castor and Pollux, the celestial twins in Gemini, and glorious Sirius in the constellation Canis Major. The long...
Read MoreThe Middlesbrough meteorite
The topic of discussion at the December meeting of Keighley Astronomical society was the discovery of a meteorite that fell to Earth at 3.35pm on 14th March 1881. The guest presenter was Mr Martin Lunn FRAS. Mr Lunn introduced himself to the members and explained that he had been employed as the curator of astronomy at the York Museum before his retirement....
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