The evenings this month are quiet on the planetary front, but there are the first signs of spring in this month’s night sky even though the winter constellations are clearly on display.
The Plough is now higher in the north east, with its handle pointing in the general direction of the horizon. If you follow the curve of the handle you will come to a bright orange star low in the sky. This is Arcturus in the constellation of Bootes. Arcturus is the brightest star in the spring sky.
The ‘W’ of Cassiopeia is high in the north west.
Orion still dominates the southern part of the sky. However, as Orion is a little to the west of south, now is the best time to see Sirius the Dog Star. This is the brightest star in the sky. Using the three stars that form Orion’s belt to form a line, continue down that line and you will reach Sirius.
The stars are a very long way away. Sirius, although the brightest, is in fact very close to us, at around 8.5 light years away.
The other winter stars, Aldebaran and the Seven Sisters in Taurus are now starting to get lower in the west, while Castor and Pollux together with Procyon are now at their highest points. Capella is still high, being just past the overhead position. However, while Capella is very high, Vega, which occupied the overhead point in summer, is now at its lowest, close to the northern horizon.
The Planets:-
Bright Jupiter lies low in the south west after sunset. Shinning at magnitude –2.0 in Aquarius, the gas giant sets about 6.30pm. Around the middle of the month it disappears into the twilight glow.
Once Jupiter has fallen below the horizon, the only planets on view for most of the night are the two faint outermost worlds.
Neptune at magnitude +7.9 lies on Aquarius and sets about 7.30pm.
Uranus, in Aries, sets around midnight, and is on the verge of naked-eye visibility at magnitude +5.8.
The pre dawn sky has most of the planetary action this month.
Venus. Brilliant at magnitude –4.6 rises in the south east about 5am. It far outshines every star.
Mars, in Sagittarius, starts the month to the lower right of Venus but considerably fainter at magnitude +1.3. The red planet rises above the horizon around 5.30am. Mars is moving to the left across the sky, and lies below Venus during the second half of February.
Mercury is deep in the dawn twilight to the lower left of Venus. It’s brightness increasing throughout the month from an inconspicuous magnitude of _1.2 to –0.1. Mercury rises about 6.15am and reaches it’s greatest separation from the Sun on the 16th of the month.
At the end of February you may just find Saturn rising at 6.15am, to the left of Mercury. Saturn lies in Capricornus and it’s fainter than Mercury at magnitude +0.8
Highlights of the month:-
On the 2nd of the month the thinnest crescent Moon lies below Jupiter just after Sunset. The following night Jupiter lies to he lower right of the crescent Moon.
Just before dawn on the morning of 26th February the crescent Moon is joined low on the horizon, with Venus and Mars to its left.
Phases of the Moon this month are:-
New Moon 1st February
First quarter 8th February
Full Moon 16th February
Last quarter 23rd February