Posted by on Jan 19, 2016 in Main |

Mr Oliver Haines, welcomes Keighley Astronomical Society to St Thomas primary school, Barrowford.

‘How big is big’ was the subject on Thursday 14th January 2016, at St Thomas Church of England Primary school, Barrowford. Teacher Oliver Haines who has a strong interest in science based subjects invited Keighley Astronomical Society to explain the wonders of the universe to a enthusiastic glass of year five pupils. Though a powerpoint presentation, several worksheets and hands on activities. The pupils were taken in a journey of discovery from the classroom to the Moon. Onwards through the solar system to the Milky Way and to the wider universe beyond. On the way they learned about the phases of the Moon, and how to locate and identify the major star constellations, with planispheres they made themselves.

Mr Haines, said, “This has been a fantastic afternoon which has helped the students grasp the wonders of outer space in a tangible way”.




