Posted by on Apr 28, 2015 in Main, News |

Friday 24th April 2015. Skipton building society celebrated the 2015 launch of its award-winning community giving scheme ‘Grassroots Giving’ by holding a “village fete” themed display in the cafe area at the society’s Bailey headquarters. Keighley Astronomical Society was invited to attend as one of the previous years winning community groups. The event was officially opened by Skipton town Mayor, Councillor John Dawson.

The Grassroots Giving programme was set up to support groups who show commitment to their community, who could illustrate how they plan to evolve in the future and how the funding would be used to help secure the longevity of their great work.
Roy Prenton, from the Grassroots Giving team, said: “Grassroots Giving is all about helping the small community groups such as Keighley Astronomical Society, which would not normally gain any financial support. We thought that the idea of holding a village fete was in keeping with the community theme. It all fits in with the building societies founding principles from 160 years ago, to help communities help themselves.”