Posted by on Jun 5, 2016 in Main |

Society member Dominic Curran visits the largest collections of Meteorites on display in the world.

The Natural history museum of Vienna owns one of the largest collections of meteorites in the world. With over 7,000 catalogued objects from 2,400 different meteorites.

Society secretary Dominic Curran was fortunate to visit the collection whilst on a resent holiday in the city.

The collection was modernised in 2012, and now has the largest meteorite display in the world. With 1,100 meteorites on display including 650 different meteorites consisting of 300 falls and 350 separate finds.

Vienna also has the longest history of all meteorite collections, going back to 1748.

Of particular interest to Dominic was the samples of Moon dust and rock donated to museum by NASA and collected by the Apollo15 mission in the 1971.


