Posted by on Aug 30, 2013 in News |

The summer holiday club at Christ Church, Oakworth this year was based on the theme of a ‘Space Academy for young Space cadets’ and took place on the 13th and 14th August. Organised by the vicar John Rodgers and members of the Church congregation, The Church was converted into Mission control, Oakworth.

Keighley Astronomical Society was invited as co participants in the event. Chairperson Paul Neaves and Secretary Dominic Curran organised a rocket workshop. Each cadet made their own rocket from paper and selotape, before being launched in the church grounds by means of a compressed air launcher.

Other activates involved making a Planisphere. Identification of the major constellations. Drawing and desiging their own constellations. There were dance classes and face painting and many other activities to add to the fun. Paul Neaves also gave a short presentation on astronomy and was subjected to several detailed questions. The Artwork produced by the young cadets will be on display at the church.